"Hollywood" Steve Huey, co-creator of the original "Yacht Rock" web series and featured interview subject in HBO's new movie Yacht Rock: A Dockumentary, joins the podcast to further discuss the complicated relationship between the music of Steely Dan and the genre of jazz-inflected soft rock that has been retroactively dubbed "yacht rock."
A member of The FM Podcasts Network.
Jake Morris, the longtime drummer for Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks, joins the podcast for a rambling chat about his love of Steely Dan,...
Writer Jack Hamilton (author of Just Around Midnight: Rock and Roll and the Racial Imagination) joins the podcast to discuss Steely Dan's relationship to...
Don Breithaupt, who wrote the 33 1/3 series book on Aja, joins the podcast to talk about his lifelong relationship to Steely Dan's music...